Its a little long... but I am in need of some advice... please read and respond if you have time
I have been pondering this for.... well... years actually. When I got to about the middle of my Univeristy carreer (attending BYU-Idaho) I had this intense urge to go to culinary school. I grew up as a kid cooking and baking a lot with mom and grandma. As high school progressed I watched cooking shows more and more. I began to create things and really enjoy what I was doing. I would make dinner a couple times a week (usually our family recipes but I would put my own spin on them).
I then went to college. As time progressed the desire grew stronger and stronger. About 2 years into attending BYU-Idaho I had a desision to make. Stick with my major/minor (teaching: spanish and TESOL) or go to culinary school. My thought process was this... culiary school is expensive. I am already this far into school.... I want a real degree in something other that culinary but don't know what to do. I met with academic advisors.... the thoughts that came were.... finish out my degree maybe teach for a while and then go on to culinary school. I would also get a degree in University Studies and then go on... or just get my Assoc. Degree and go on to culiary school. After much deliberation I felt it was right to stick with teaching. I love teaching! Really it could be anything... as long as I am teaching.
Ever since I made that desision, I have had more and more thoughts about going to a culinary school. Our school offers a minor in culiary arts but I cannot do that as i am in education. I have taken a few classes (baking, cake decorating, confectionery, and advanced cake decorating) I love it! but now I am about to graduate and I am wondering... what should I do. the complicate things... my certifying test to teach one of my contents (spanish) is extremely difficult and I have not received a passing score twice.
I guess, after this long rant... what advice does anyone have?
-Tyler marz